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Dense, toxic fumes from deep within the planet's crust seep out of cracks in the earth and coat the ground in a sickly haze.
~ Official Description

Wasat is one of the five planets that reside within the Ymir sector. Its general landscape consists of rocky hills with flatter terrain in between. Wasat is a foggy, desolate, acidic planet. The planet became part of the Second Galactic War during an automaton attack on May 11th, 2184 during Operation Metallic Harvest.

Topography[ | ]

The planet is covered in brown rocks and sand, stained yellow from the constant acidic environment. The skies are dense and dark and stained a teal color. Many mushroom shaped mountains and hilly structures cover the landscape, with rough flatter land in between. The lowlands are often filled with acid filled craters and terraced lakes. Helldiver forces should be aware of the threats posed by low visibility, acid rain, and potential drowning risks.

History[ | ]

Second Galactic War[ | ]

Wasat had remained on the sidelines of the Special Military Operations conducted against the Automaton Expedition during the months of February and March of 2184. Like many other planets in the Ymir Sector, it had remained an unremarkable but highly patriotic colony of the Federation for 100 years, its citizens thriving among the acidic pools and tall plateaus that dot its yellowish green deserts. While there are some reports of skirmishes occuring here during the month of march, the Ministry of Truth has confirmed, through the Ministry of Defense that these reports are unreliable and should be considered an attempt at psychological warfare by the Automatons or dissidents sponsored by them.

Defense of Wasat (May 11th - May 12th 2184)[ | ]

Automaton forces attacked Meissa on April 20th. The planet saw fighting, ultimately leaving the planet under Automaton control. Late April and early May saw Helldiver attention focused in the Eastern Front, leaving only small forces of a few thousand Helldivers per planet in the Western Front. Although the bulk of the Helldiver forces began to move west during Operation Metallic Harvest, the Ymir sector was not well defended. The call for Helldiver assistance rang out on May 11th, 2184. Automaton forces had advanced from Meissa to Wasat. Immediately, thousands of Helldivers flooded in. Over 6,000 reinforcements had arrived within the hour, with fierce combat beginning promptly. The amount of Helldiver forces on the planet surface dropped gradually, with Automaton gains being largely unhindered by the end of May 11th. Most of the Helldiver forces operating in the West were concentrated on Lesath or Menkent, which were much more strategically significant. Only ~4,000 defenders were operating on Wasat. By the next day on May 12th, it was clear the planet was going to be lost.

Liberation Campaign of Wasat (May 12th 2184 - June 3rd 2184)[ | ]

Automaton forces captured Wasat late on the day of May 12th. A liberation campaign to retake the planet began in earnest, but only ~2000 Helldivers are active on the planet. As of May 12th, 45.8% of the planet was in democratic hands. The next day on May 13th, that number had fallen as low as less than 1,000. The planet fell to 19.7% liberation. Over time, the liberation percentage fell to negligible levels, as did the amount of Helldiver forces on the planet. At the lowest there were ~50 Helldivers operating on Wasat.

The fall of Vega Bay on June 3rd, 2184 cut off Wasat. The liberation campaign was abandoned fully, leaving Wasat under full automaton control.

Operation Valiant Resistance (June 7th, 2184 - June 10th, 2184)[ | ]

With Helldiver forces occupied on the Eastern Front, the Automaton forces spread unchecked throughout the Western regions of the galaxy. Individual planets were captured nearly unimpeded. However, the destruction of the Meridia Supercolony on June 2nd and the subsequent liberation of the Umlaut and Jin Xi sectors allowed Super Earth forces breathing room. With the situation in the East stabilized, the hands of liberty were now freely able to be wrapped around the neck of socialism.

Although intelligence into the Automaton's methods and current objectives is still unclear, intelligence analysts were able to uncover an automaton database on Wasat, with High Command marking it's capture as an objective of vital importance. Nicknamed Database One, an offensive deep into the Ymir sector has been launched, with the target being Wasat. By June 10th, the Helldivers had successfully liberated Vega Bay and Wezen, carving open the path to capture Wasat. The liberation campaign began late in the day of June 9th. The acidic. foggy environment made the battle on this day grueling; not to mention the mindless and ferocious resistance of the red pest. The fighting continued late into the day of June 10th, when Wasat was liberated. This also completed Operation Valiant Resistance. Some of the Helldiver forces on Wasat preceded to nearby Meissa.

Meanwhile intrepid SEAF Cyberwarfare Specialists were able to breach the encryption of Database One, delivering the Federation a vast treasure trove of information that will likely take months for the Ministry of Intelligence fully analyze. Even so, the Federation's intelligence analysts were also able to quickly identify valuable intelligence, key amongst this being confirmation that the Automatons are planning some sort of massive terraforming project on Cyberstan itself.

Other decoded data includes detailed recordings of the impact of the Terminid Supercolony on Meridia. Other keywords are referenced numerous times throughout the data trove, without additional details: Vessel 00, Nucleus, The Final Collective, and others. As our analysts continue to decode the vast database, new intel may be gleaned that will aid in the Federation's Valiant Campaign against the mechanical menace. For now though, High Command's strategic objective on the Automaton front has been affirmed. Cyberstan must be liberated at any cost.

Operation Starslayer (July 5th-July 8th)[ | ]

Major combat operations resumed in the Ymir sector on July 3rd. The Automatons launched an attack towards X-45, which was repulsed by July 4th. They began to counterattack nearby planets on July 5th to cut off Helldiver reinforcements to the X and Meissa systems. By July 5th, Wezen had fallen, and Vega Bay and Wasat were under attack.

Wasat is less strategically important than Vega Bay, which contains the supply line connecting Super Earth to the Ymir Sector front. With progress on Wasat looking grim, the Automaton forces suddenly yielded control of the system to Super Earth. These automaton forces would be dispatched to bolster counterattack efforts on Meissa and Vega Bay. It would appear that the Automaton offensive on Wasat was a ruse to obscure their true target of Meissa. This ruse strategy was repeated less successfully on July 7th.

An automaton on offensive onto Wasat was handily repulsed. Halfway through this attack, the Automatons struck X-45 from a position on Vega Bay. Helldiver forces rapidly moved to the X system early into this offensive. With Wasat successfully defended, the Helldivers then returned to X-45 to continue their valiant resistance.

Matar Bay Encirclement (July 17th - July 23rd)[ | ]

After the successful completion of Operation Righteous Expunge, automaton forces stuck on Vega Bay have send a meager and desperate invasion force into Wasat system. Automatons made their planetfall at evening of July 21st, 2184. Unfortunately, 24 hours later Automatons have overwhelmed SEAF and claimed control over the planet due to Helldivers leaving for Defense of Turing. The bots are still encircled, preventing them from making permanent gains. A small detachment of loyal divers begun slow and meticulous purge of the invaders.

FTL Lines[ | ]

FTL Timeline[ | ]

  • February 8th, 2184: Wasat is connected by FTL to Meissa and X-45.
  • April 20th, 2184: New FTL line to Vega Bay is established.
  • May 3rd, 2184: FTL line to X-45 is destroyed.
  • June 13th, 2184: FTL line to X-45 is re-established.

Trivia[ | ]

  • Planets in this region of the galaxy, such as Marfark and Menkent, have Arabic names. Wasat also bears one.
  • In Islam, Wasat (moderation) is one of the most basic terms and deliberately used topics. In the sense of shariah, it is a central characteristic of Islamic creed and has been used from the very beginning of Islam. It refers to a justly balanced way of life, avoiding extremes and experiencing things in moderation.