As of the 22nd century, the Federation of Super Earth divided the known space of the Milky Way Galaxy around Super Earth into several sectors. Super Earth maintained control over several of these sectors until the outbreak of the Second Galactic War against the Terminids and Automatons.
As of the launch of Helldivers 2, there are 55 sectors with a total of 261 planets. (counting Super Earth)
List of Planets and Sectors[ | ]
Trivia[ | ]
- There are Hidden planets that the game recognizes but are not visible on the Galactic Map, they are Bug Homeworld, Bot Homeworld, Illuminate Homeworld, Mines of Zion, Forest Cathedral, Heroes Bayo, Coldth, Miasma VIII, Darkwater Bay, Bug Quarantine, Meridian Iia, RP-426 Uscheron, Outpost 31, Franklin's Retreat, Protea IV and Hell's Cauldron.