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A blazing-hot desert planet, it's rocky mesas are the sole interruptions to the endless sea of dunes.
~ Official description

Moradesh is one of the seven planets that reside within the Celeste Sector. Access to the planet is currently restricted, both due to the lack of hostile forces in the sector, but also due to the secretive research project being conducted on the planet.

On January 14th, 2185, Moradesh would be attacked by the Terminids Icon  Terminids for the first time in the Second Galactic War.

Topography[ | ]

Similar to Phact Bay and Zagon Prime, judging by planet appearance on the galactic map. Dry, rocky world with dust-covered terrain that consists largely of mesas and canyons. Vegetation is almost as scarce as water.

History[ | ]

I've heard there's some kind of secret superweapon being worked on by our top scientists. Not the ones who made the Termicide, of course. They're all being interrogated for treason. Our other top scientists.
~ Ship Master
Dark fluid facility 2

Aftermath of the "Close Call" at the research facility on Moradesh

Second Galactic War[ | ]

The Moradesh Project[ | ]

Enemy aggression on both fronts remains unrelenting. In particular, the Supercolony on Meridia is fueling an unprecedented surge in Terminid infestation rates. The Automatons grow in power as well, continuing their unjust invasion. Super Earth's analysts are certain that nothing could have forestalled this dire situation, save perhaps the timely employment of MD-17 Anti-Tank Mines.

Scientists on Moradesh are making progress on a way to combat the Meridia Supercolony. With the hope being that this "Super weapon" will be Liberty's salvation. The Ministry of Science's (second) best minds are working hard to weaponize a highly classified, experimental substance known as Dark Fluid and in an (accidental) scientific breakthrough, may have found a way to engineer a solution to the Terminid Supercolony on Meridia.

In what officials have described a "Close Call", the volatile exotic materials suddenly collapsed into a micro-black hole that speaghetti-fied 12 facility members and forcing an emergency shutdown of the facility before the micro-black hole thankfully evaporated. As of writing production of weaponized dark fluid is scheduled to resume tomorrow, with no shortfalls in support of the ongoing operation to destroy the terminid supercolony.

Operation Enduring Peace[ | ]

I'm a little nervous having the Dark Fluid aboard the ship. Apparently, there's a non-zero chance it could destroy the whole galaxy. But then again, we lose Super Earth, what hope is there for the galaxy anyway.
~ Ship Master

On the morning of May 30, 2184, with phase 1 of Operation Enduring Peace was completed, beginning Phase two: Helldivers were to initiate the deployment of the Dark Fluid, which was to be delivered in backpacks that would be then loaded and drilled into the planet's surface. Once a critical mass is reached, the Dark Fluid will accrete into a superdense mass, triggering total planetary implosion with the Supercolony and its hyper-reproductive Terminids being spaghettified.

Meanwhile Technicians at the Moradesh Research Facility were working nonstop to convert raw Dark Fluid into weaponized payloads for this operation. However this high output can't be maintained for long, even with safety and sleep protocols optimized for productivity; thus speed was critical in this operation.

As the sun rose for the last time on Meridia, sensors on the orbiting fleet detected a decrease in Terminid spawning on the Supercolony. Moradesh's scientists were then able identified this as evidence of early Dark Fluid accretion stages: micro-bubbles began to form beneath the planet's crust, disrupting Terminid hives. With the tectonic integrity beginning to decrease in the final hours of the operation

Then, at 15:25 SEST, on June 2nd, 2184, Meridia became the first system to be destroyed by use of Dark Fluid. All Super Destroyers in orbit received the order to make an emergency FTL jump to Super Earth. A gravitational disturbance was confirmed in the Meridia system, with the planet of Meridia, it's sun and every other celestial body in the solar system soon disappearing from the face of the galaxy as a beautiful purple black hole appeared in place of the Supercolony.

Not long after the Moradesh Research Facility was decommissioned following the total exhaustion of all Dark Fluid stores. The tireless scientists who contributed to the "Moradesh Project" have all been awarded the Super Citizenship Medal of Freedom.

Operation Farsight Breach[ | ]

Moradesh would remain undisturbed by the Second Galactic War following the decommissioning of it's facilities by the Super Earth government. However, the war would soon take several frightful turns that threw the planet right back into the conflict without any warning.

Between the apparition of the Gloom, the activation of the Democracy Space Station and the return of the Illuminate to the galaxy, the federation's resources had been stretched thin, allowing the Terminids to slowly undo all the months of progress done in their respective front. Now, not only had they pushed the SEAF all the way back to where the initial outbreak had reached, but were poised to reach even further. With the fall of Cirrus on January 14th, 2185, immediately came a Terminid assault onto Moradesh, marking the first time in 100 years, not just the planet but also the entire Celeste Sector at large, in which the Terminids had reached so far.

Knowing that victory at Moradesh would immediately stop the Terminid advance, the Helldivers poured onto Moradesh at full speed. For multiple hours, the Helldivers battled across Moradesh in an attempt to repel the Terminid onslaught, slowly but surely gaining ground over the devious insectoids. By the afternoon of the next day, the onslaught had been repelled and the Terminid advance appeared to have stopped, as now the Helldivers could move onto Cirrus and Heeth in order to counterattack and push the Terminids back into the Gloom once more.

FTL Lines[ | ]

FTL Timeline[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The suffix -desh means Country or native land of- in Hindi and Gujarati. Whereas the Word Mora has different meanings in different languages and unfortunately has no meaning in Hindi or Gujarati. However, it is worth noting that the Mora has most of its meanings associated with female teachers, willful delays in time, units in time, timings itself and space of time. This might be a clever use by the developers in the lead up to the Moradesh Project. But we can conclude that Moradesh will translate to the 'Native Land of the Space Timers'
  • Coretta Kelly News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eUzGA4pfjw
  • Dark Fluid Weaponized Voicelines: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Y7Px_oOToI
  • When crossing a blackhole's event horizon, an object will begin the process of spaghettification, which is the rapid stretching due to it's powerful forces.
  • The technician of the Super Destroyer will sometimes bring up something rather concerning. The dark fluid weaponry works by compacting the whole of the targeted planet into a tiny, infinitesimal point. However as is common knowledge by now, Terminids degrade into E-710, the fuel used to power the warp drives of Super Destroyers (which are also derived from Illuminate technology). Thus compacting an entire planet’s worth of combustible starship oil into such a small area could have... Unforeseen Consequences.
    • "I've been thinking, E-710 comes from bugs and powers our warp drives. I wonder what happens when an entire planet of bugs gets compressed into an infinitesimally small point."
      • The technician also mentions that: "The Illuminate basically handed us this planet destroying super weapon. Doesn't seem to bright for a highly advanced alien. Guess that's why they're dead now."
      • According to the ship master, there is also a non-zero percent chance that the dark fluid could destroy the galaxy. This is a reference to a theory back in the 1940s that the atomic bombs could ignite the atmosphere when they explode, scorching Earth of all life.
  • In the event that the campaign to destroy Meridia failed, unused news footage reveals that an incident at the Dark Fluid processing plant caused a critical failure that led to Moradesh instead turning into a black hole. This would have halted efforts to destroy Meridia, as Moradesh was the only planet with the facilities to process Dark Fluid.
  • Moradesh is now the closest to Super Earth that the Terminid horde has come.