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Explanation of mechanics[ | ]

Health and Constitution[ | ]

Health is the value you see to the right of a health bar; Constitution is to the left. This behavior is at work for other units as well, even though they do not display a bar.

A positive Decay value indicates a loss of points. A negative value indicates a regenerative effect.

In general, once a unit's Health reaches zero, it will be considered dead or dying. In the case of a Helldiver or Survivor, losing enough health means getting downed, at which point bleeding (Constitution decay) kicks in, and the Helldiver or Survivor will otherwise die if left alone. The same idea applies to something like a damaged player vehicle. Once its Health is depleted, it catches fire, losing Constitution until it explodes.

  • This effect can be seen at work in certain enemies as well, such as a Bug Warrior or Elite bleeding to death. In contrast, the Brood Commander will charge but does not bleed to death.
  • Alternatively, consider killing a Warlord. It is considered dead (health depleted) once it slumps over and catches fire. The burning until it explodes is its Constitution decaying. Depending on how much damage is done on/before the killing blow, it can even explode immediately. If instead it had a Constitution decay of zero, upon dying the Warlord would slump over, lifeless, and not explode until sufficiently damaged.
  • For the vast majority of enemies, Constitution does not appear to affect gameplay. (Some exceptions were mentioned above.) Though in some instances an enemy appears to have a Constitution of zero with a non-zero decay value, once its Health is depleted, it's considered dead and its actions suspended.

Shields[ | ]

Armor and Shields are considered separate. A Shield (or "bubble shield", like the SH-20 Shield Generator Pack) is the separate entity projected around a unit which effectively serves as an extra source of Health. This is because the Shield must first be depleted before the unit within can take damage. Though they can be depleted, Shields can also regenerate after a delay. If the regeneration (points per second) effect is interrupted by new damage, the delay begins anew before the Shield regeneration starts again. Keep in mind, however, that some damage sources, like the Shredder, will ignore Shields.

  • Though a Hulk carries a physical shield, it serves as armor for whichever location it blocks. Only The Illuminate and the Helldiver corps have access to the regenerating "bubble"-type energy shields.
  • Shields have both a health and an armor value. However, the only enemy in the game that has armored shields is the Illuminate Obelisk.
    • Note that while there are minimum and maximum armor values specified for shields, these are always identical (in the game's current state). That means it does not matter which angle a shield is hit at, or whether it is hit near its center or its edge.
    • The Illuminate Watcher's Shield is not conventionally used, as it will drop the Shield (if not already removed by damage) and cloak after raising an alarm. The Watcher's Shield will be activated again when it attempts to sound another alarm.

Armor Locations and Damage Calculation[ | ]

Armor can be defined for a unit as a base ("default") value, or specifically for a certain element or area. Here, this aspect is denoted simply as the direction (e.g., "front") or property (e.g., "closed"). When a unit has more than one armor definition, the value exhibited will depend on the hit location. Keep in mind that this is a simplified representation. Not all properties are equally defined, if at all, in size or area.

As a general rule of thumb: "Shoot the target in the middle; make the hit as perpendicular as possible."

  • Most enemies only have a single ('default') hit location. Enemies with a weak spot will have more than one, usually the front (Bug Impaler) or rear (Bug Tank).
    • Regular melee attacks are always applied to surface at the same angle (zero), meaning the armor is at its minimum.
  • Weapons generally have two damage values defined: 'base' and 'crit' power values, and will use both depending on the hit angle of the shot, the target, and hit location.
  • Armor reduces the damage done by the specified value. If the target has 50 armor, an attack that deals 70 damage will be reduced to 20 points.
    • AP-capable guns reduce the target unit's armor by 15. This calculation has a minimum of zero, so it's not possible to have negative armor. If a weapon hit deals less damage per hit than the final armor value of the hit location that it impacted, then the hit will not do any actual damage to the target.
  • Shotgun values reflect the damage done by each pellet/fragment/ray, assuming any of the pellets/fragments/rays hit a target. They are still subject to armor/angle considerations, like normal shots.
  • An Arc weapon blast, if it connects with a target, will always ignore the actual angle of incidence, and will instead count the hit to be to the front of the target unit. This can be demonstrated by shooting an upgraded M5-32 HAV or a blocking Hulk.
  • Damage which varies by time, such as (but not limited to) Arc and continuous-beam Laser weapons, can see different maximum effects.

All Statistics[ | ]

Super Earth Personnel & Materiel[ | ]

Name Health Constitution Armor Shield
Base Decay Base Decay Location Min Max Base Armor Regen Delay
Survivor 100 -5 100 5 default 0 0 not shielded
Helldiver 100 -2 100 2 default 0 35 not shielded
w/ MD-99 Autoinjector -12
w/ Heavy Armor default 15 100
w/ SH-32 (original) front 20 400
w/ SH-32 (upgraded) 30 600
w/ SH-20 (original) default 50 0 20 15
w/ SH-20 (upgraded) 100 0 40 10
Name Health Constitution Armor
Base Decay Base Decay Location Min Max
EXO-44 Walker Exosuit 1000 0 500 60 default 0 1000
EXO-48 Obsidian Exosuit 1000 0 500 60 default 0 1000
EXO-51 Lumberer Exosuit 1000 0 500 60 default 0 1000
M5 APC 1000 0 1000 150 default 20 2000
M5-32 HAV (original) 1000 0 1000 150 default 20 2000
M5-32 HAV (upgraded) front 1000 3000
TD-110 Bastion 1200 0 800 175 default 30 3000
front 200 4000
MC-109 Hammer Motorcycle 600 0 300 50 default 0 80
A/AC-6 Tesla Tower 800 0 0 0 default 5 150
A/GL-8 Launcher Turret 400 0 0 0 default 0 150
A/MG-11 Minigun Turret 400 0 0 0 default 0 150
A/RX-34 Railcannon Turret 400 0 0 0 default 0 150
AT-47 Anti-Tank Emplacement 1000 0 0 0 default 20 140
Distractor Beacon 300 0 0 0 default 30 30
NUX-223 Hellbomb (original) 100 0 0 0 default 30 30
NUX-223 Hellbomb (upgraded) 200

Bugs[ | ]

Name Health Constitution Armor
Base Decay Base Decay Location Min Max
Scout 30 0 0 0 default 15 25
Vanguard 30 0 0 0 default 15 35
Stalker 50 -20 450 -18 default 0 60
back 60 130
Shadow 100 -20 750 -25 default 0 60
back 60 130
Warrior 270 0 50 3 default 25 150
Elite 400 0 100 6 default 35 250
Brood Commander 1600 0 1000 0 default 45 300
Impaler 2200 0 0 0 closed 1000 1500
front open 45 45
Impaler (tentacle) 600 0 0 0 default 20 40
Tank 2100 0 0 0 default 1000 1500
back 45 45
Behemoth 3200 0 0 0 default 1000 1500
Hive Lord 250000 0 0 3 default 30 175
back 300 400

Cyborgs[ | ]

Name Health Constitution Armor
Base Decay Base Decay Location Min Max
Initiate 75 0 0 5 default 0 45
'Squadleader' Soldier 250 0 0 1 default 15 150
Legionnaire 350 0 0 1 default 20 45
blocking 1000 4000
Hound 200 0 0 5 default 0 30
Grotesque 450 0 0 5 default 25 40
Immolator 250 0 0 1 default 15 150
Comrade 250 0 0 1 default 15 150
Berserker 300 0 500 0 default 15 200
front 0 0
Butcher 3500 0 0 0 default 25 25
Hulk 2000 0 400 100 default 200 600
front 45 45
shield 5000 5000
blocking 5000 5000
Warlord 3000 0 1000 250 default 300 600
Infantry Fighting Vehicle 160 0 1000 0 default 2000 2250
back 1000 1250
Siege Mech 300000 0 0 2500 default 170 1500

Illuminates[ | ]

Name Health Constitution Armor Shield
Base Decay Base Decay Location Min Max Base Armor Regen Delay
Observer 50 0 0 0 default 15 25 not shielded
Watcher 50 0 0 0 default 25 50 100 0 666 4
Obsidian Observer 50 0 0 0 default 25 50 100 0 666 4
Hunter 400 0 0 0 default 0 0 not shielded
Hunter (Shielded) 400 0 0 0 default 0 0 200 0 666 4
Tripod 300 0 0 0 default 20 200 100 0 666 4
Strider 350 0 0 0 default 40 250 100 0 666 4
Apprentice 300 0 0 0 default 15 50 not shielded
Outcast 350 0 0 0 default 30 70 not shielded
Obelisk 450 0 0 5 open 45 100 1200 15 1200 4
closed 8000 8000 not shielded
Illusionist 1500 0 0 0 default 40 250 450 0 666 1.5
Council Member 2500 0 0 0 default 40 250 666 0 666 1.5
Great Eye 250000 0 0 5 default 45 250 not shielded

Notes[ | ]

  • This page is still a work in progress and some information may be outdated due to the age of the first game.