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Ice and moss-covered rock can be found across most of the surface of this planet.
~ Official Description

Estanu is one of the three planets that reside within the Draco Sector. It is the planet to have seen the most combat out of any others in the Terminid front, with a total of 14 successful defense operations (of which 7 have been part of Major Orders), 6 victorious liberation campaigns (of which 3 have been part of Major Orders) and an infamous 5 consecutive successful defences during Operation Enduring Bulwark, a feat only replicated by Gatria during Operation Overrun.

Additionally, Estanu is the planet with the highest recorded death toll in the war, with 158,189,192 Helldivers dead in service to Freedom.

Topography[ | ]

Estanu is a cold, hostile planet. Its surface consists of large, snow-covered regions, broken up by rocky mountains and crevasses. The planet's surface is windswept and barren. It has little flora, with only small patches of plant life able to withstand the winds and frigid temperatures.

History[ | ]

Special Military Operations[ | ]

Operation CBCT Protection[ | ]

Merely days after the successul deployment of the Terminid Control System (TCS) on the neighboring Barrier Planets, several Civilian Biomass Collection Teams (BCTs) were deployed to Estanu, Hellmire, Fori Prime, and Crimsica in order to collect and process inert Terminids. The Helldivers successfully liberated and defended each of these planets until operation completion.

Operation Rearing[ | ]

Following Operation CBCT Protection, Estanu remained relatively peaceful outside of small-scale Terminid raids.

Following the success of Operation Swift Disassembly and the eradication of the Automaton Expeditionary Forces, Helldivers were re-routed to this planet, alongside with Hellmire and Crimsica, in order to build safer, more efficient E-710 farms and refineries.

Invasion of Cyberstan[ | ]

When the Automatons resurged in the Valdis Sector, SEAF forces had to be diverted away from the Terminid front, leaving Estanu and the rest of the Draco sector under-defended. Despite this shortage of manpower, the colonial defenses stood against the Terminid raids, resilient in their commitment to protecting the spread of Freedom.

Operation Organic Harvest[ | ]

As the war against the Automatons raged on in the Menkent Line, logistical challenges began to emerge. The righteous campaigns of the Helldivers had depleted Super Earth's E-710 reserves down to untolerable levels. As such, Super Earth High Command issued an order to exterminate 2,000,000,000 Terminids through the week of April 14 - April 20, 2184, in order to replenish the depleted reserves. The Helldivers, boundless in their loyalty and commitment to the cause of Liberty, managed to accomplish this order in under 24 hours, making it one of the fastest operations in Super Earth History.

The Ministry of Truth hereby reminds the reader that any rumours of "accounting errors in the kill-count" are the result of Automaton-sponsored dissidents and can be safely disregarded. Reporting any and all dissemination of these rumours to your local Democracy Officers is highly encouraged

Operation Enduring Bulwark[ | ]

Immediately after the replenishing of the E-710 reserves, the Terminids, in a cowardly demonstration of treachery and evil innate to their species, managed to launch a coordinated assault on Super Earth-controlled planets alongside the Automaton assault on their respective front. The battle was fierce, with the heroic personnel on Estanu withstanding 5 consecutive assaults.

Despite massive losses and countless heroic sacrifices, the Helldivers valiantly defended their positions against the massive onslaughts on both fronts, securing Estanu firmly into Democracy's protection.

Failure of the Terminid Control System[ | ]

Shortly after Operation Enduring Bulwark came to an end, the Terminid Control System began to cause dangerous mutations on the Terminid populations of the Barrier Planets. As Meridia fell to the Terminid tide and became a Supercolony, chaos spread to the neighboring planets of the Umlaut Sector and into Estanu. While it has been spared the fate of Meridia thanks to the deactivation of the TCS infrastructure in the Umlaut Sector, Estanu fell to the Terminid onslaught, alongside the rest of the Draco Sector.

The Ministry of Humanity requests that all citizens set aside one minute of silence during lunch breaks in remembrance of all the lives lost on Estanu.

Second Galactic War[ | ]

During the first weeks of the Second Galactic War, Estanu remained under Terminid control, enduring horrendous cruelty brought onto it by the bugs. However, their toil was not going to go unheard for much longer. Scientists on Moradesh were beginning to prepare experimental Dark Fluid for deployment on Meridia. A decision was reached to deploy the Dark Fluid and collapse Meridia into a Black Hole.

Operation Enduring Peace[ | ]

Operation Enduring Peace began on May 28th, 2184 and concluded on the afternoon of June 2nd, 2184, with Meridia being successfully destroyed. Without the Supercolony and with the black hole now siphoning away all of the remaining supercolony spores, new fronts began to immediately open, with Estanu and Crimsica now being open for liberation once more.

Operation Hive Breaker[ | ]

With the securing of Database One in Wasat and the valiant rescue of the trapped children in Super Citizen Anne's Hospital for the Very Sick Children at Vernen Wells, Super Earth High Command now had more breathing room to divert manpower back against the Terminids. Even though the Supercolony had been destroyed, Terminid population levels remained at unmanageable levels, demanding an unsustainable cost of lives and munitions for its adequate containment. As such, a Major Order was given out on June 14th to liberate Hellmire, Nivel 43, and all 3 planets in the Draco Sector (Estanu, Crimsica and Fori Prime). Crimsica was liberated first on June 16th, with Estanu quickly following on June 17th after a quick but devastating battle.

Operation Andromeda[ | ]

However, Estanu's liberty would be short lived. With Fori Prime failing to be secured, Estanu's colonists were living on borrowed time. One by one, slowly but surely, the Terminids in Fori Prime would take back all the planets lost. First Gacrux, from which they would then go on to infest the rest of the Jin Xi Sector. Then, Crimsica during Operation Starslayer. And then, on July 13th, Estanu once more. Due to the ongoing Operation Andromeda, the Helldivers were unable to answer to its call for aid and, understandably, it fell to the Terminid assault.

Terminid Research Initiative[ | ]

While under Terminid occupation, the Helldivers would deploy onto Estanu in order to carry out the Terminid Research Initiative, which would yield very positive results and data for the Ministry of Science. While the Terminids at Estanu did react by launching a failed assault onto Fenrir III, not much else of note would occur

Operation Glorious Xenocide[ | ]

However, the Terminid Research Initiative would not be the only time during which Estanu, despite its occupation, would see action. As the Terminid Research Initiative shifted into a second stage, it mandated the culling of 1 billion Terminids through several different methods. As such, the Helldivers would valiantly charge into Terminid territory, in order to carry out the Ministry of Science's request. They would successfully cull the required amount of Terminids and push them out of the Jin Xi Sector after a bloody counteroffensive at Acamar and the liberation of Gacrux, which quickly allowed the Helldivers to redirect to Estanu and progress its liberation considerably before being ordered back towards the Automaton Front.

Operation Vengeful Cleansing[ | ]

Despite Estanu; or for that matter, planetary liberations, not being the specific target of the Major Order, the Helldivers would wind up liberating Estanu during Operation Vengeful Cleansing, making such an efficient, effective and impeccable usage of land mines and combined arms tactics that the Terminids would be eradicated from the planet by the evening of August 4th.

Operation Lighthouse[ | ]

Estanu would remain free since August 4th. However, being free almost never means being safe from the menace of tyranny. As The Gloom appeared in Enuliale, Estanu's colonists would see their home threatened once again. On August 13th, shortly after the liberation of Troost in the Western Front and the victory at Acamar IV, the Terminids would launch a dual assault onto Estanu and Erata Prime. Given Estanu's reputation, the majority of the Helldivers concentrated on the defense of Estanu, repelling the Terminid attack in under 12 hours.

Operation Prometheus[ | ]

However, the Bugs would not be done with their push towards Estanu as, a mere 12 hours after their first failed assault, they launched a second, even more reinforced assault onto Estanu. However, now that the Helldivers had order to focus on sample collection tasks on Crimsica, Erson Sands and Nivel 43, it was unlikely that Estanu will be able to successfully defend itself. However, in a sprout of good luck, Operation Prometheus would be aborted, as counterfeit samples would be encountered within the deliveries of the ordered samples.

With the major order aborted, the Helldivers could redirect forces towards rescuing Estanu, as many in the corps had a noticeable emotional investment into the planet. In detriment of the liberation of Crimsica, the Helldivers shifted towards Estanu and turned around the situation, securing its freedom once more.

Operation Brute Force[ | ]

Estanu would remain secured against the bugs after the liberation of Crimsica, with the only attack coming towards it being from Fori Prime on August 25th. In honor of all the Helldivers lost to Estanu so far, the Helldivers rushed to defend Estanu and managed to repel the assault during the night of August 26th, which began a courageous string of victories during the operation, having first started with the liberation of Acamar IV before this.

Operation Ring of Freedom[ | ]

Estanu would remain in peace for 2 months after its final defense on August 26th, as the Gloom stabilized and stopped its expansion. However, its safety was not guaranteed, as it stood at the very edge of the Gloom, leaving it vulnerable to attacks from both Fori Prime and Hellmire. Yet, despite this, Estanu was not attacked for 2 whole months, as the Terminids focused on aggressively expanding into the Jin Xi sector.

However, this status would soon change, as, on October 16th, both Crimsica and Estanu would be attacked from within The Gloom. Since Crimsica was the planet connected to Acamar IV, Estanu was essentially abandoned to its own devices. Despite this, the colonists at Estanu fought valiantly against the evil insectoids, determined to drive back the fascist tide that pounced upon their sufficiently sized dwellings. However, it was all for naught, as the Helldivers were forced to completely concentrate on Crimsica, leaving Estanu abandoned and letting it fall to the Terminids on October 17th.

Despite this, the Helldivers would not abandon Estanu, maintaining a sizeable force on the planet in order to ensure its swift liberation. Estanu would wind up being liberated shortly after the defense of Marfark, with the last terminid hives being effectively cleansed on October 22nd.

Operation Courageous Exodus[ | ]

After October 22nd, Estanu would remain mostly peaceful, with not many incidents worthy of note occurring. However, following a surge of Terminid spores, the Terminids inside the Gloom would launch a massive offensive, just as Super Earth had begun mobilizing volunteers from Gloom-adjacent planets in order to staff the Democracy Space Station. As such, the Helldivers were ordered to hold the line while these millions of volunteers were processed and transported to the DSS.

Estanu would find itself back in the frontlines on November 5th, as a Terminid attack from within the Gloom made landfall on it, alongside Erata Prime and Fenrir III. After Fenrir III was defended, Estanu would enjoy the help of the Helldiver Corps in its defense, to the detriment of Erata Prime's own defense which lead to a victory in Estanu on November 6th, at the cost of losing Erata Prime to the Terminids yet again.

However, this would not be the last time Estanu would be attacked. After another triple assault, this time at Heeth, Esker and Bore Rock, Estanu would once again be attacked, along with Crimsica. The Helldivers decided to start by helping Estanu's defense first, which would allow the Terminids to make crucial gains at Crimsica. The Helldivers would fight tooth and nail to defend Estanu against the Terminids, as both assaults were unusually fierce.

After some 17 hours of fighting, Estanu was secured, which allowed the Helldivers to initiate immediate redeployments on Crimsica.

FTL Lines[ | ]

FTL Timeline[ | ]

Gallery[ | ]
