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A blazing-hot desert planet, its rocky mesas are the sole interruptions to the endless sea of dunes.
~ Official Description

Erson Sands is one of the four planets that resides within the Falstaff Sector.

Topography[ | ]

Erson Sands, as the name would suggest, is a sandy desert planet, very similar to its close neighbor in the Mirin Sector, Zagon Prime.

History[ | ]

Second Galactic War[ | ]

Operation Hive Breaker[ | ]

Erson Sands had been sitting on the sideline of the Second Galactic War ever since it had started. It wouldn't be until June 2184 that the war would come to its coarse doorstep. Shortly after the fall of nearby Esker on June 20th, the Terminids continued to spread into the Falstaff Sector, quickly hopping onto Erson Sands and making landfall on June 21st.

The battle is would be brief, as the Helldivers had higher priorities to focus their manpower on. Erson Sands would fall on June 21st to a feeble Terminid Assault

Falstaff and Jin Xi Lockdown[ | ]

During the lockdown of the Falstaff and Jin Xi Sectors, Erson Sands was one of the 5 planets picked to be controlled by the Helldivers, the other 4 being Bore Rock, Acamar IV, Pandion XXIV and Phact Bay. While the liberation of the 3 latter planets would be straightforward, with only a couple anomalous assaults being even worthy of any mention, Erson Sands would remain elusive for the entire duration of the operation, as it was locked away behind the capture of Esker, another planet in which the bugs had deeply burrowed themselves.

Nevertheless, the Helldivers would overcome all hurdles and finally initiate the battle to liberate Erson Sands on the early hours of July 2nd. By the midnight of July 3rd, Erson Sands had been liberated.

Operation Benevolent Sanitation[ | ]

However, Erson Sands wasn't fated to remain free for long just yet. Due to constant diversions prying Helldivers away, the Terminids would manage to send an second assault onto Esker, managing to invade it and then, almost immediately after, take over Bore Rock. From here, the Terminids would amass their numbers at Esker and, on August 6th, they launched a massive assault onto Socorro III, forcing the Helldivers to rush back to Socorro to deal with the massive Terminid onslaught. However, the bugs would prove to have a more devious plan than thought as, on August 7th, they launched a secondary assault onto Erson Sands, creating an FTL Line into it from Nivel 43.

Erson Sands would fall in August 7th, leaving it at the mercy of the bugs. However, its colonists would find solace in the fact that Socorro managed to repel its own Terminid superonslaught just hours later, in part thanks to their sacrifices. A liberation campaign would be attempted to avenge the courageous defenders, but would fail as The Gloom, a newly discovered nebula composed of massive concentrations of intergalactic Terminid spores, would encroach upon it, bolstering the Terminids nestled in the planet and, for the time being, covering the planet in such a thick cloud of spores that SEAF satellites wouldn't be able to continue monitoring the planet.

The situation of Erson Sands ever since has been unknown. As of October 3rd only two Super Destroyer signals were left in Orbit of Erson's Sands, the last Super Destroyer from Erson Sands tried hailing both before successfully blind jumping out of the Erson System. The hails were not answered and the Super Destroyers were silent, the Crew of the escaping destroyer came close to one them and saw the gloom cloud having entered the destroyer through an open hanger bay, this indicates a failure on the part of said Destroyer's crew to secure the hangar doors which resulted in a airlock breach and ill timing on part of the Eagle Pilot who tried to beat the cloud to get back to the Destroyer. The other Destroyer was operational but suffered an Engine Malfunction leaving it adrift at least until it either floats away or falls onto Erson Sands itself. Whatever the case both are still transmitting faint signals for now.

FTL Lines[ | ]

FTL Timeline[ | ]

  • February 8th, 2184: Erson Sands is connected by FTL to Esker and Socorro III.
  • June 13th, 2184: FTL lines to Esker and Socorro III are destroyed.
  • June 18th, 2184: FTL line to Esker is re-established.
  • August 6th, 2184: FTL line to Socorro III is re-established, plus a new line to Nivel 43.