“ | A perenially chilly climate has allowed short, colorful shrubs to flourish across this planet's surface. | „ |
~ Official Description |
Demiurg is one of the six planets that reside within the Tanis Sector. It's position at the border between the Tanis and Arturion Sectors makes it a very strategically valuable planet, as it effective is the only barrier between the Terminids and the
Automatons ever encountering one another.
Topography[ | ]
History[ | ]
Second Galactic War[ | ]
Operation Adamant Resolve[ | ]
Demiurg was, for pretty much all of the Second Galactic War, just another planet colony of Super Earth without anything particularly worthy of note. Its scattered colonies undertook a myriad of activities, from logging to farming to mining, without much oddities occurring in their everyday lives. But if the Automatons hate something, it is the simple things such as the calm and comfort that abound in the galactic fringe.
When the Automatons first invaded the Valdis Sector in April, the Tanis Sector preventively cut all of its FTL Supply Lines in order to prevent the robots from spreading towards the Terminid Front, as many SEAF strategists feared the unpredictability of such an encounter. This outcome would put Demiurg through a hard time; as it also meant that, given its position of remoteness even in its own sector, Demiurg could not really fortify or stockpile supplies in case of an invasion.
These worries would become validated when, in September 2184, the Automatons managed to capture Clasa after the Tanis Sector's FTL Lines had been restored, which effectively left Demiurg completely isolated, caught between the metaphorical wall that was the now-disconnected Arturion Sector's planets and the very literal sword that was the Automaton Forward Base that was growing more and more fortified in Clasa, as the socialist menace prepared to continue its expansionist campaigns.
Shortly after Liberty Day, Demiurg would find itself even more isolated, as Zefia and now Yed Prior fell against attacks coming from Clasa. It was now only a matter of time before the Automatons turned their sights onto Demiurg, as it was the only remaining planet in the Tanis Sector that hadn't rebuked them, all while Claorell had grown too fortified for the Automatons to push for.
The Automatons initiated their invasion of the Gellert Sector on October 28th, with the twin invasions of Blistica and Mintoria. So far, it seemed like the Automatons would continue all the way to Zosma and conquer the Gellert Sector, which would buy Demiurg much needed time, but then the Helldivers managed to repel the Automatons at Matar Bay and Zzaniah Prime, which forced them to turn the concentrated remains of their forces towards the only planet that they hadn't yet attempted to invade so far.
On the early hours of October 31st, SEAF Colonial Defense Network channels began to flood with calls for aid coming from Demiurg's garrison. Having been under siege for a month and having been unable to prepare ever since they had been cut off the FTL Network on April, Demiurg was pretty much incapable of either evacuating nor repelling the invaders and, comprehensibly, called for immediate Helldiver support.
With the Helldivers having orders to prevent further Automaton expansion, Demiurg would see half of the Helldiver Corps, around 22,000 Super Destroyers, show up in droves to support the besieged planet.
FTL Lines[ | ]
- Clasa (Re-established on September 18, 2184)