Boosters are bonuses that can be applied for duration of a mission, enhancing the abilities of and resources available to the Helldivers. Boosters are not single-use and can be used on every mission. Boosters can be unlocked on the various pages of the Warbond.
Gameplay[ | ]
While preparing to drop for a mission, players can equip a booster in the stratagem loadout screen. Each Helldiver can equip 1 booster. With a full squad, 4 unique boosters can be active at the same time, one for each Helldiver. A Booster applies the effect to all Helldivers, not just the one who has it equipped. If a Helldiver leaves the mission, the effect of the booster in their personal loadout ceases its effect.
Hellpod Space Optimization
Helldivers come out of the Hellpod fully stocked on Ammo, Grenades and Stims.
Helldivers Mobilize
Vitality Enhancement
Helldivers take less damage from all sources and are more resistant to limb injuries. Torso can still hemorrhage.
Helldivers Mobilize
UAV Recon Booster
Increases all Helldivers' effective radar range by 50% (affects spotting Places of Interest) Stacks with Nuclear Radar and affects pings from the Scout armor perk.
Helldivers Mobilize
Stamina Enhancement
30% increase to sprint duration 23% increase to stamina regen
Helldivers Mobilize
Muscle Enhancement
Harder to be slowed in bushes, thick mud, deep snow, and water.
Helldivers Mobilize
Increased Reinforcement Budget
Gives one additional reinforcement per Helldiver.
Helldivers Mobilize
Flexible Reinforcement Budget
Reduces reinforcements replenish time by 10%
Steeled Veterans
Localization Confusion Booster
The cooldown for Bug Breaches and Bot Drops is increased by 10%.
Cutting Edge
Expert Extraction Pilot Booster
Lowers the extraction time by 15%.
Democratic Detonation
Motivational Shocks
Negates slowed-effect inflicted by hostiles
Polar Patriots
Experimental Infusion
Gives Stims the added bonus of boosting player movement speed and reducing damage taken for a short time
Viper Commandos
Firebomb Hellpods
Lines all Hellpods with volatile incendiaries that detonate on impact, igniting any units in the vicinity of the drop site